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Cairo & Sharm el Sheik 5 Days




5 days

Tour Type

Explore Tours

Cairo, the bustling capital of Egypt, and Sharm El Sheikh, a beach paradise on the Red Sea, are two destinations that offer a perfect blend of history, culture, and relaxation. A well-crafted 5-day tourism program to these two cities guarantees an unforgettable experience.

This 5-day tourism program in Cairo and Sharm El Sheikh provides an enticing blend of ancient wonders, cultural immersion, and tranquil beach relaxation. Whether it’s exploring the pyramids or diving in the Red Sea, travelers are sure to create memories that last a lifetime.


  • All transfers by private air-conditioned vehicle.
  • Private Egyptologist tour guide throughout your tours.
  • All service charges and taxes.
  • Any Extras not mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Optional activities
  • Personal spending

Tour Plan

Upon arriving in Cairo, travelers can start their exploration with a visit to the iconic Giza Plateau. Here, they can marvel at the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and the ancient temples. In the afternoon, a trip to the Egyptian Museum is a must, where one can discover the treasures of Tutankhamun and other ancient artifacts.

Delving deeper into Cairo's heritage, a visit to the historic Islamic Cairo district is in order. The Alabaster Mosque of Muhammad Ali and the enchanting Sultan Hassan Mosque are architectural wonders that transport visitors back in time. Exploring the bustling Khan El Khalili bazaar, with its maze-like streets and countless shops, is a delightful way to end the day.

Departing Cairo, a short flight takes travelers to Sharm El Sheikh, a coastal paradise renowned for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life. Upon arrival, a visit to Naama Bay, a bustling waterfront promenade, is a great way to immerse in the lively atmosphere, enjoy a delicious seafood dinner, and maybe even indulge in some souvenir shopping.

For those seeking adventure and underwater wonders, a day trip to Ras Mohammed National Park is highly recommended. Snorkeling or diving in this protected area reveals an abundance of colorful coral reefs and a diverse array of marine species. Nature enthusiasts will also appreciate the breathtaking view from the Shark Observatory.

As the trip nears its end, a leisurely day at one of Sharm el Sheikh's luxurious beaches is the ultimate relaxation experience. Indulge in sunbathing, swimming in the warm turquoise waters, or enjoying a variety of water sports activities. Finally, in the evening, take part in a traditional Bedouin dinner, complete with music and dance, to immerse in the local culture.

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