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Cairo and Alexandria for 5 Days




5 days

Tour Type

Explore Tours

Cairo and Alexandria are two enchanting cities in Egypt that offer a wealth of historical and cultural treasures. A carefully planned tourist program for 5 days can give visitors a wonderful opportunity to explore the highlights of these destinations.

With this exciting tourist program, visitors can immerse themselves in the cultural wonders of Cairo and Alexandria, discovering ancient marvels and experiencing the vibrant atmosphere of these captivating cities


  • All transfers by private air-conditioned vehicle.
  • Private Egyptologist tour guide throughout your tours.
  • All service charges and taxes.
  • Any Extras not mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Optional activities
  • Personal spending

Tour Plan

Upon arrival in Cairo, the first stop is the iconic Giza Plateau, home to the Great Pyramids of Giza and the enigmatic Sphinx. Visitors can marvel at the magnificent structures that have stood tall for thousands of years, and even venture inside one of the pyramids. In the afternoon, a visit to the Egyptian Museum is a must, where an extensive collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun, awaits exploration.

A boat ride along the Nile River provides a unique perspective of Cairo. This river cruise offers scenic views of the city's skyline, as well as an opportunity to witness daily life along the banks. Afterward, a visit to the famous Khan El Khalili bazaar presents an opportunity for shopping, bargaining, and sampling local delicacies.

It's time to head to Alexandria, the coastal city known for its ancient history and Mediterranean charm. The day starts with a visit to the Citadel of Qaitbay, a 15th-century fortress that offers panoramic views of the sea. Next, a trip to the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa showcases the unique blend of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures. The day ends with a leisurely stroll along Alexandria's corniche, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Back in Cairo, a visit to Islamic Cairo begins with exploring the historic district of Al Muizz Street. This street is lined with mosques, madrasas (Islamic schools), and stunning architectural wonders such as the Sultan Hassan Mosque. In the afternoon, a visit to the vibrant neighborhood of Coptic Cairo unveils the rich Christian heritage of the city. The Hanging Church and the Coptic Museum are notable highlights.

The final day is dedicated to exploring modern Cairo. A trip to Tahrir Square, the heart of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, provides insights into Egypt's recent history. Next, a visit to the Salah El Din Citadel offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city and a chance to explore the beautiful Mosque of Muhammad Ali. The tour concludes with a visit to the famous Cairo Tower, offering breathtaking views of the city below.

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