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4 Days Cairo to Luxor West And East Banks




4 days

Tour Type

Explore Tours

Luxor, located along the majestic Nile River in Egypt, is undoubtedly a timeless destination that offers a captivating glimpse into the ancient world. With its rich historical and cultural heritage, a tourism program to Luxor’s east and west sides promises an unforgettable journey back in time. 

On the west bank of Luxor, travelers can explore the Valley of the Kings, a burial ground for pharaohs and nobles. With its stunning rock-cut tombs, hieroglyphics, and intricate artwork, this ancient necropolis offers a fascinating encounter with Egypt’s royal history. The highlight of any visit to this area is the iconic tomb of Tutankhamun, the boy-king whose treasures captivated the world.

Continuing the journey, tourists can visit the magnificent Temple of Hatshepsut, an architectural masterpiece dedicated to Egypt’s only female pharaoh. Carved into the cliffs and surrounded by breathtaking desert landscapes, this temple transports visitors to an era of power and prosperity. The serene Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III is another gem on the west bank, showcasing vivid reliefs and captivating stories of pharaonic rule.

Crossing the Nile to the east bank of Luxor, travelers are transported into the realm of the living, where the city of Thebes once thrived. The Karnak Temple Complex, an awe-inspiring collection of temples and ancient structures, is an absolute must-visit. Admiring the colossal Great Hypostyle Hall, adorned with towering columns and intricate carvings, is an experience that evokes a sense of wonder and admiration for ancient craftsmanship.

Another highlight of the east bank is the Luxor Temple, an architectural marvel that has stood the test of time. This temple, illuminated magnificently at night, offers a surreal ambiance that enchants visitors as they wander through its massive gateways, obelisks, and statues.

Luxor also offers a delightful and immersive cultural experience through its vibrant markets, where visitors can haggle for souvenirs, spices, and local crafts. Additionally, cruising along the Nile at sunset, witnessing the golden hues embrace the surrounding landscapes, is an incredibly romantic experience that adds yet another layer of enchantment to a tour of Luxor.

Overall, a tourism program to Luxor’s west and east provides an unparalleled journey into the ancient world, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the wonders of Egypt’s illustrious past. With its astonishing archaeological sites, architectural marvels, and rich cultural experiences, Luxor truly is a treasure trove for the intrepid traveler.


  • Private tour guides as per the itinerary.
  • Entrance fees for all sightseeing.
  • Private and deluxe air-conditioned vehicle for all transportation.
  • Arrival & departure assistance at the airport.
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Tipping for guides, driver, Nile cruise crew, etc…
  • Personal expenses (laundry, telephone calls, etc...)
  • Egypt Tourist Visa.

Tour Plan

On the first day of the tourism program, travelers depart from Cairo and make their way to the ancient city of Luxor. Situated on the east bank of the Nile River, Luxor is renowned for its well-preserved historic sites and impressive temples. After arriving in Luxor, visitors can check into their accommodations and take some time to relax and unwind before starting their exploration of this incredible destination.

The second day of the tour is dedicated to exploring the east bank of Luxor. Travelers will have the opportunity to visit some of the most iconic sites in Luxor, including the awe-inspiring Temple of Karnak. This magnificent temple complex dates back over 4,000 years and is one of the largest religious structures in the world. Visitors can wander through its grand halls and marvelous columns, marveling at the impressive ancient Egyptian architecture.

On day three, tourists will discover the hidden treasures of Luxor's west bank. This part of the city is home to the famous Valley of the Kings, where ancient pharaohs were buried in elaborately decorated tombs. Visitors can explore some of these tombs and marvel at the exquisite artwork that adorns the walls. Additionally, the west bank is also home to the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, dedicated to one of Egypt's few female pharaohs.

After a mesmerizing tour of Luxor's ancient wonders, it is time for travelers to bid farewell to this historical city. On the final day, tourists will depart from Luxor and make their way back to Cairo. This will conclude their memorable journey through the heart of ancient Egypt, leaving them with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for the rich history and culture of this remarkable country.

Overall, this tourism program offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating heritage of Luxor. With a carefully planned itinerary covering both the east and west banks of the city, tourists can enjoy a well-rounded experience and discover the wonders that Luxor has to offer.

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